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Copal Resin And White Sage 4”

Copal Resin is associated with the crown chakra and is used to cleanse and uplift the auric body and clear energy blockages. With Sage is known to have extra healing properties. It also provides protection and is used for blessings. Allow this sacred smoke to raise your spirit and ease feelings of depression, anxiety, or stagnation. Copal Resin has a soft, sweet smell when burnt, and is used to help clear the room of negative scents and energies.

When burned (smudged) copal is used to purify the energy of spaces, places and objects. It has a clean, light, woody scent that could be compared to pine. One of the best uses of copal sage is burning it to clear away all the negative energy and make positive changes. Can be used for the following:

Purification and Cleansing: Copal sage is commonly used for energetic purification and cleansing. Burning copal sage resin is believed to clear negative energy, dispel stagnant or heavy energies, and purify the environment. It is often used in space clearing rituals to create a sacred and energetically clean space.

Spiritual Connection: Copal sage is believed to have a strong connection to the spiritual realm. It is said to enhance spiritual awareness and deepen one's connection with higher consciousness. It may be used during meditation, prayer, or ritual practices to facilitate a greater sense of connection, intuition, and spiritual guidance.

Healing and Protection: Copal sage is thought to have healing and protective properties. It is believed to assist in emotional and energetic healing, helping to release emotional blockages, promote inner healing, and restore balance. It is also used for spiritual protection, creating a shield of positive energy and warding off negative influences.

Enhancing Rituals and Ceremonies: Copal sage is often used in rituals, ceremonies, and sacred practices. Its sweet and uplifting aroma is believed to elevate the energy and create a sacred atmosphere. It is used in various spiritual and shamanic traditions to honor ancestors, call upon spirits, and enhance the efficacy of rituals and ceremonies.

Grounding and Centering: Despite its uplifting qualities, copal sage is also associated with grounding and centering. It is believed to help individuals connect with the Earth's energy and feel rooted and stable. It can assist in balancing emotions, calming the mind, and fostering a sense of grounding and stability.

Sage with Copal Resin Smudge

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